Thursday 30 July 2009

"With those genes, it's no wonder she's a beauty: Halle Berry's daughter Nahla turns heads in LA"

Come off it. She doesn't have the stunning looks of her mother at all. You'd pass this kid in the street without looking twice at her.

Thursday 16 July 2009

"Fears for Mischa Barton after she calls police to her home over 'medical issue'"

She's looking horribly emancipated.

Sunday 12 July 2009

"Brilliant young designer who died in tower inferno showed extraordinary courage in face of armed robber stab threat"

RIP of course but if she was such a "special person" why was she living in such a DUMP?.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

"Hell on earth: Four years after 7/7, a never before seen picture of the horror that confronted police on the Tube ripped apart by terrorists"

Doesn't look exactly like hell on earth more a burnt out tube carriage. I've seen much much worse.

"A legacy of flab fighting: Have you inherited your mother's body?"

Sadly there is a lot of truth to this article. I'd never develop a serious exclusive relationship with a woman, matter how slim and attractive,until i'd met (or seen a recent photo of) her mother. You can never be too careful.

Friday 3 July 2009

"Swine flu 'to kill 40 Britons a day by end of summer'"

Anything associated with Nu Labour and the media is suspect. What better to have a pandemic to hide Nu Labour lies.

- norman hall, norwich norfolk, 2/7/2009 13:50

Thursday 2 July 2009

"Why I'm proud to be Mrs Smellie: Is it old-fashioned for a wife to take her husband's name?"

When a woman has a child to her husband, his energy in the child is now in her make up. When the child is born she retains that energy. So they become as one, in that she takes on some of his make up. Everything has an energy even a name. It is beneficial to work with you energy than to go against it. So if you intend to have children, your husbands name will be the right energy name for you, not your pre-child name.