Saturday 29 August 2009

"BBC's expansion drive is 'chilling' says James Murdoch"

Thank you James! You are 100% accurate in your description of this monster we call the BBC which hides behind almost barbaric medieval legislation forcing people to buy a Licence to fund it's dubious activities.

"Sex-slave Jaycee's captor and his wife BOTH charged with rape as police search home for clues to prostitute murders"

Time for all of us to open our eyes and see what happens around us. Perhaps all annexes, attics, outbuildings, cellars etc should be notifiable and inspected regularly everywhere.

Thursday 27 August 2009

"Boys fighting back at GCSE: They overtake girls in maths for the first time in 12 years"

Its all a load of rubbish as even the thickest idiot can now answer Labours new dubbed down exam system. If we went back to the mid 80s and made the teens of today answer the exam 0 level question then they would fail on a massive scale as even the thickest idiot then were better than the most intelligant now. The world will soon steer clear on employing Britsh or should I say English and Welsh people as they will be among the thickest in the western world. The Scottish on the other hand will be ok as Brown knows that the Scottish government have made sure that things have probarbly remained the same high standard north of the border. Its England and Wales that Brown wants to destroy !! As he makes us look ever more usless then the rest of the world will loose respect for us and then the commonwealth will disapear as more and more countries leave the Queen as head of state. Australia will be next

"Vote blue, go pink: Tory logo turns rainbow in attempt to win the gay vote"

With few exceptions, I have voted Tory since leaving the Royal Navy in 1956 - no more!
- Lionel, GB, 27/8/2009 16:47

"The migrant baby boom: Foreign mothers help push Britain's population past 61m"

All in a so-called Democracy yet with no mandate for mass immigration at all.

The other big myth that is pushed on us is sthat we have freedom of speech - but political correctness is the dead opposite.
I've no idea where this will all end; Civil War most probably - some revolution to sort the mess out and punish certain traitors.

- Simon, Ludlow, 27/8/2009 13:16

"Batter up: Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell put on a rare public show of affection at the baseball"

The World's most overrated musican EVER! What has he ever done since the beattles?? NOTHING!!!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

"'Let them die, we don't care': Boasting thugs planned West Ham v Millwall rampage on internet chatrooms"

The end of England.

- dave, Reading UK, 25/8/2009 23:05

Football is only one of the many symptoms of the terminal decline in Britain today.
- Daffyd, Colwyn Bay, Wales, 26/8/2009 9:43

- STEPTOE, Gateshead England, 26/8/2009 0:45

"Labour think-tank considers stopping university loans for middle-class students"

Of course this is the next step to total control of the populace. The next step will to put university out of reach of all but the so called "lower classes"(we should all be ashamed to even speak about class divides) better they should be called "likely Labour voters" Here they will be indoctrinated into the mind set of our present rulers thus guaranteeing a safe seat for GB and his ilk.
Forget 1984 this is absolute mind control.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

"Library book borrowed in 1939 returned 70 years overdue... but £2,500 fine is waived"

She should have been made to pay the fine. Denying that book to the public for 70 years is shocking.

No wonder this country is in trouble if councils waive library fees willy nilly. My council tax is sky high thanks to people like Iris not paying their dues. I strongly disagree with waiving the fee, this has made me quite angry!

Monday 10 August 2009

"March of the state spies: One in 78 adults came under state-sanctioned surveillance last year"

Who said we don't live in a police state, this is worse than the Communist countries I used to go to in the 1970s 80s and 90s as a HGV driver, I have said for a long time now that this government has turned this country almost from a democracy into a Communist country.
They may have had there problems in the Eastern block before the fall on the Berlin wall, but they were never treated like this, and being a regular visitor to these countries all those years ago, I do know what I'm talking about.
Ask the Slovak prime minister, and he will agree with me because he was the one who told them in Brussels that it is worse than being under the Kremlin.
And I reckon he should know what he is talking about.

"Amanda Redman says she is dreading turning 50. Well, it's a bit late for that - as her 1957 birth certificate proves"

She looks much much older anyway because she's so ugly.