Thursday 27 August 2009

"Boys fighting back at GCSE: They overtake girls in maths for the first time in 12 years"

Its all a load of rubbish as even the thickest idiot can now answer Labours new dubbed down exam system. If we went back to the mid 80s and made the teens of today answer the exam 0 level question then they would fail on a massive scale as even the thickest idiot then were better than the most intelligant now. The world will soon steer clear on employing Britsh or should I say English and Welsh people as they will be among the thickest in the western world. The Scottish on the other hand will be ok as Brown knows that the Scottish government have made sure that things have probarbly remained the same high standard north of the border. Its England and Wales that Brown wants to destroy !! As he makes us look ever more usless then the rest of the world will loose respect for us and then the commonwealth will disapear as more and more countries leave the Queen as head of state. Australia will be next

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