Friday 4 September 2009

"Aged 10 and 11 these brothers were already known to be sadistic thugs. So, why were they free to torture two innocent boys?"

Nulabour politicians and hangers-on are rubbing their hand in glee. This is just what they wanted. One half of the population is living in fear of the other half, for various reasons (anti-social bevaviour of all types, petty imposition of fines for trumped up reasons).

That way Nulabour have everyone under control and not noticing the theft and destruction of the country in which they are engaged.

- Jeffrey, Reading, England, 4/9/2009 9:57

The two brothers who were attacked in such a vicious manner are the victims of left wing social engineering, and the breakdown of traditional family values and moral standards. In my opinion, the rot set in when comprehensive education was introduced [...]

- David Jones, Burton on Trent UK, 4/9/2009 1:59

PLEASE don't call these evil wretches "animals"! One only has to look at the many stories featuring animals caring for others of their own - and other - species to realise that they don't behave like that.

- Patricia Ferguson, Glasgow Scotland, 4/9/2009 9:18

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