Thursday 10 September 2009

"Our Dickensian schoolchildren start school unable to 'use a knife and fork or dress themselves', teachers' warn"

This is not surprising since so many mothers go out to work leaving their children for others to look after, people who, with the best will in the world, do not love the children. The so-called feminists have denigrated motherhood and this is the result. However, the teacher is wrong to call this deprivation Dickensian. I have read all the novels of Dickens and in none is there a child who is deliberately neglected by his or her parents. Oliver Twist is brought up in the Workhouse beacause his mother dies, not because his mother neglects him. The schoolroom in HARD TIMES has some strange features but the children there are not neglected, nor is Pip in GREAT EXPECTATIONS who is brought up by his elder sister. David Copperfield is treated cruelly by his stepfather but he can dress himself.

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