Wednesday 16 December 2009

"'Sharp decline' in faith as number of Christians in Britain falls to half"

It's a fake religion, that's why

The problem as I see it is that there is more sin inside the church , than in the world. Many church elders / vicars are involved in the occult such as freemasonry, wicca, satanism, rosicrusianism etc etc. Many congregation members are also involved in the occult to some degree or another... Until the sin in the church is dealt with and cleansed out, God will not be there.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

"Lily Allen falls victim to her killer heels as she takes a tumble on stage"

A portent of things to come.Come the next Election the Left Wing will fall down and out and be ripe for a good kicking just like left wing, p.c. correct Lilly hahallen who has no talent but was merely promoted by the Liberals.

Monday 16 November 2009

"Four teenage friends are killed in horror car crash"

And who will pay for the householder's wall to be rebuilt? Good job it was a strong wall, so the car didn't actually continue and crash into his house.

Friday 6 November 2009

"Suri Cruise is the budding actress as she acts up on set with Katie"

Why is this child never wearing a coat ????????

Once again this child is not dressed for the weather!!!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

"Dial Canine-nine-nine: Dog is rescued by firefighters after trapping head in brick wall"

And no doubt the tax payer now has to pay for his council house to be redecorated as well as picking up the bill for the rescue.

I bet he lives off of full time benefits and has a "disability".

Monday 19 October 2009

"Maze of underground caves could be the original site of the ancient Greek Labyrinth"

theres a far better one in Chiselhurst

"Murdered under the noses of police: Officers went to victim's home after 999 call... but were turned away by her killer"

She could have picked a more suitable boyfriend in the first place.

"'Wind-down wine' alert: The relaxing glass that is turning working mothers into alcoholics"

It won't be a problem when Sharia Law rules all Britain.

Rowan Pelling's sex advice column: "I found myself kissing another woman. What do I do now?"

You're probably gay love. Join the dark side and avoid men and thus agony ever again. Just don't expect to have kids.

Friday 2 October 2009

"Are you old enough to own a spoon? Woman asked for ID when buying teaspoons in Tesco"

I stopped shopping at this 'Hitleresque' store over a year ago.

- Tony, Essex, 1/10/2009 22:40

I think if you people had more contact with the world of drug taking, you would have a better appreciation of what young people do with spoons!

- Mike Wilson, Rotherham, United Kingdom, 2/10/2009 10:18

"Hero soldier who lost three limbs in Afghanistan taunted about his disabilities by teenagers"

What do you expect? It is a national past time in England to make fun of amputee Heather Mills. These kids are just following the example set by the public

Monday 28 September 2009

"Fresh doubts over Hitler's death after tests on bullet hole skull reveal it belonged to a woman"

Hitler's memory will always be kept alive, the loony Left will see to that. Where would they be without their favourite bogey-man?

He is running the Labour Party - everyone knows that!

Friday 25 September 2009

"Smacking 'makes your child less intelligent'"

What kind of smacking are we talking about here? My parents didn't believe in "spanking" a child (ie. on the legs/buttocks, which they considered as borderline sexual abuse) but did slap me round the face or pull my hair if I misbehaved. Result: I took my GCSEs and A-levels early, good university and now a good job ...

"Teacher suspended after pupils find naked pictures of him on gay porn website"

Just how and why were young pupils looking at gay porn websites to discover this?

- Donald, Saumur, France, 25/9/2009 14:01

I have a had a couple of unpleasant surprises in work when looking for something quite innocent on the net only to be confronted by something totally unanticipated and extremely inappropriate. Pornsters use all kinds of devious tricks to lead you to their websites.

There was a time when the word "gay" had a totally different, more innocent meaning. It still retains that meaning in the more naieve sections of society - children, for example.

Its not unreasonable to imagine a child typing a sentence containing the word "gay" in some innocent context (eg: in search of poetry) only to end up with muck on the screen.

"Paedophile fears are 'driving male teachers from primary schools'"

This is because of the onslaught of female mediocrity and vindictive descrimination against men. Just walk down the high street of any town and see how many shops are given over to women and you will see very few, if any, for men. It is the same in Marks & Spencer. Even the cafes have more women drinking basins of coffee than men. The maginalisation of men has to stop

Thursday 24 September 2009

"HIV breakthrough after vaccine cuts risk of infection by nearly a third"

im a bit confused - does this mean 16,000 thai people volunteered to be infected with HIV as part of a medical trial?

Brave people

Tuesday 22 September 2009

"Fans and friends of Sir Bobby Robson gather to say goodbye to footballing legend"

This guy wasn't a GOD, he was a football player, simple as that.

True heroes are dying every day fighting a war that isn't ours - let's cry for them shall we!

"How safe is your daughter? Paedophiles using the web to trap girls are often middle-class and married. And the police are struggling to cope..."

- AngusC, Oxford, 22/9/2009 9:44- SD, Hong Kong, 22/9/2009 4:03

I would not object if the law provided for these people to be skinned alive and rolled in salt.

- Duncan, Stalybridge, Cheshire., 22/9/2009 3:39

"Anna Friel's naked ambition laid bare as she strips off in West End show Breakfast At Tiffany's"

Getting paid to remove your clothes. Isn't that called prostitution?

Saturday 19 September 2009

"Pupils told 'a new girl is starting' after boy of NINE returns to school female"

I can't read MailOnline any longer. It's unhealthy. It's become the land of sickness and chaos. It's going to take a lot more to fix what ails this country than replacing one evil politician with another. Don't you even know? Your politicians and government teachers are a reflection of YOU. Unless the hearts and minds of people change, EVERYTHING remains the same.

Your children are frightened and confused. They don't know which end is up. Toddlers can't even say "yuk" to spicy food because he might be branded a racist. You just nominated Walliams for TOP literary prize...a novel about a 12-year-old cross-dressing schoolboy AIMED at 7-year-old kids. Unbelievable! You've lost touch with reality.

I fear the cancer has spread throughout the body. It's terminal.

Thursday 17 September 2009

"Woman with Parkinson's disease 'feels like a leper' after being told 'you can't play doubles' at table tennis club"

So she has to be respected, but it is alright for her to disrespect and put down any unfortunate sufferer of Leprasy is it? She seem to be a natural at this discrimination thing.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

"Archbishop of Canterbury says City has not 'repented' for economic collapse"

oh not this bloke again, please keep your opinions to yourself, the catholic church has absolutely no right to interfere in state affairs as their moral authority is completely baseless.

"Eddie Izzard triumphantly finishes 1,100 mile marathon around Britain in Trafalgar Square"

Eddie Izzard is a big supporter of Communist Labour and the Communist European Union - so what if he ran himself into the ground isn't that what Communist Labour and the Communist EU have done to Britain

"A passion for poker: I went from chubby teenager to casino queen, says Victoria Coren"

One thought - read about women's experience of Asperger Syndrome. You may identify with some of their experiences - I am not suggesting you have it but just share some of the traits.
Wishing you happiness and hoping you find more places to feel welcome.

Monday 14 September 2009

"I've got a great big zonking bottom: Emma Thompson and other celebrities reveal their body insecurities"

I'm appalled at the fact that no one has mentioned that Emma Thompson is dead...why are her body insecurities being brought up post-mortem? that is just sick.

- anonymous, amsterdam, holland, 14/9/2009 12:20

Anonymous, from Amsterdam, Holland,

You are confusing Emma Thompson with Natasha Richardson. Natasha Richardson had the skiing accident in March and later died of head injuries.

Emma Thompson is still alive and kicking!

- Chantal, London, United Kingdom, 14/9/2009 13:02

Friday 11 September 2009

"Gordon Brown apologises to gay Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing for 'appalling' persecution"

I really do wish people would stop referring to homosexuals as gay. When I was young gay meant happy and carefee and this is the true meaning. Enid Blyton would be turning in her grave.

Turing was a brilliant mathematician / scientist but so were many others at Bletchley Park but how many people can name any of them. Would he get so much attention if he had not been a homosexual?

"Strictly unflattering: Natalie Cassidy's see-through Lycra dance costume is her most disastrous yet"

It's positively SINFUL that this woman allowed herself to gain so much weight after all the work she put into slimming down. I'm sorry, but this is NOT her "natural shape" ... this is OBESITY, and it's disgusting. It would be different if she merely regained some of the weight she lost and became more curvy and rounded, but there is NO EXCUSE for being THIS overweight. This is not about genes, this is about gluttony and lack of self control. What a worthless woman!

Thursday 10 September 2009

"Our Dickensian schoolchildren start school unable to 'use a knife and fork or dress themselves', teachers' warn"

This is not surprising since so many mothers go out to work leaving their children for others to look after, people who, with the best will in the world, do not love the children. The so-called feminists have denigrated motherhood and this is the result. However, the teacher is wrong to call this deprivation Dickensian. I have read all the novels of Dickens and in none is there a child who is deliberately neglected by his or her parents. Oliver Twist is brought up in the Workhouse beacause his mother dies, not because his mother neglects him. The schoolroom in HARD TIMES has some strange features but the children there are not neglected, nor is Pip in GREAT EXPECTATIONS who is brought up by his elder sister. David Copperfield is treated cruelly by his stepfather but he can dress himself.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

"Bullied pupil, 16, hanged himself day before collecting GCSE results"

Sad - but there does come a point when you have to stand up for yourself.

Sunday 6 September 2009

"Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy 'back together'"

Any respect I may have had for either, is now gone.

Saturday 5 September 2009

"We saw the Nazi pilot wave at us - then he bombed our school: Survivors remember in the day the Luftwaffe massacred 38 pupils at a London school"

A shame the Mail will publish a story like this yet ignore atrocities equally as horrific emanating from Afghanistan. Today 100 people were killed when the US bombed fuel tankers. Are some victims simply more worthy than others?

Friday 4 September 2009

"Aged 10 and 11 these brothers were already known to be sadistic thugs. So, why were they free to torture two innocent boys?"

Nulabour politicians and hangers-on are rubbing their hand in glee. This is just what they wanted. One half of the population is living in fear of the other half, for various reasons (anti-social bevaviour of all types, petty imposition of fines for trumped up reasons).

That way Nulabour have everyone under control and not noticing the theft and destruction of the country in which they are engaged.

- Jeffrey, Reading, England, 4/9/2009 9:57

The two brothers who were attacked in such a vicious manner are the victims of left wing social engineering, and the breakdown of traditional family values and moral standards. In my opinion, the rot set in when comprehensive education was introduced [...]

- David Jones, Burton on Trent UK, 4/9/2009 1:59

PLEASE don't call these evil wretches "animals"! One only has to look at the many stories featuring animals caring for others of their own - and other - species to realise that they don't behave like that.

- Patricia Ferguson, Glasgow Scotland, 4/9/2009 9:18

Thursday 3 September 2009

"Now Colonel Gaddafi wants to 'abolish' Switzerland: Dictator files bizarre motion with the U.N."

It's fast becoming an Islamic country now anyway

Wednesday 2 September 2009

"Britain accused of being 'duplicitous' with U.S. over broken promise to keep Lockerbie bomber in jail as Brown denies 'double dealing'"

when they put Al Maghari to bed to show how ill he was with an oxygen mask, my missus said why did'nt they take his glasses off. it looked so curios, i'm not bothered really but it did look odd.

"Mother's grief for truck pervert who killed Stacey Lawrence: 'I'm trying to be angry with Darren but it's difficult... I loved him'"

I guess my siblings and I were lucky to have a great stepdad. He's been in our family since 1977. I'm proud to call him dad. Happy Birthday, Dad.

"A nation of bad parents: Britain's youngsters amongst world's worst for drinking, smoking and teenage pregnancy, warns the OECD"

Saturday 29 August 2009

"BBC's expansion drive is 'chilling' says James Murdoch"

Thank you James! You are 100% accurate in your description of this monster we call the BBC which hides behind almost barbaric medieval legislation forcing people to buy a Licence to fund it's dubious activities.

"Sex-slave Jaycee's captor and his wife BOTH charged with rape as police search home for clues to prostitute murders"

Time for all of us to open our eyes and see what happens around us. Perhaps all annexes, attics, outbuildings, cellars etc should be notifiable and inspected regularly everywhere.

Thursday 27 August 2009

"Boys fighting back at GCSE: They overtake girls in maths for the first time in 12 years"

Its all a load of rubbish as even the thickest idiot can now answer Labours new dubbed down exam system. If we went back to the mid 80s and made the teens of today answer the exam 0 level question then they would fail on a massive scale as even the thickest idiot then were better than the most intelligant now. The world will soon steer clear on employing Britsh or should I say English and Welsh people as they will be among the thickest in the western world. The Scottish on the other hand will be ok as Brown knows that the Scottish government have made sure that things have probarbly remained the same high standard north of the border. Its England and Wales that Brown wants to destroy !! As he makes us look ever more usless then the rest of the world will loose respect for us and then the commonwealth will disapear as more and more countries leave the Queen as head of state. Australia will be next

"Vote blue, go pink: Tory logo turns rainbow in attempt to win the gay vote"

With few exceptions, I have voted Tory since leaving the Royal Navy in 1956 - no more!
- Lionel, GB, 27/8/2009 16:47

"The migrant baby boom: Foreign mothers help push Britain's population past 61m"

All in a so-called Democracy yet with no mandate for mass immigration at all.

The other big myth that is pushed on us is sthat we have freedom of speech - but political correctness is the dead opposite.
I've no idea where this will all end; Civil War most probably - some revolution to sort the mess out and punish certain traitors.

- Simon, Ludlow, 27/8/2009 13:16

"Batter up: Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell put on a rare public show of affection at the baseball"

The World's most overrated musican EVER! What has he ever done since the beattles?? NOTHING!!!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

"'Let them die, we don't care': Boasting thugs planned West Ham v Millwall rampage on internet chatrooms"

The end of England.

- dave, Reading UK, 25/8/2009 23:05

Football is only one of the many symptoms of the terminal decline in Britain today.
- Daffyd, Colwyn Bay, Wales, 26/8/2009 9:43

- STEPTOE, Gateshead England, 26/8/2009 0:45

"Labour think-tank considers stopping university loans for middle-class students"

Of course this is the next step to total control of the populace. The next step will to put university out of reach of all but the so called "lower classes"(we should all be ashamed to even speak about class divides) better they should be called "likely Labour voters" Here they will be indoctrinated into the mind set of our present rulers thus guaranteeing a safe seat for GB and his ilk.
Forget 1984 this is absolute mind control.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

"Library book borrowed in 1939 returned 70 years overdue... but £2,500 fine is waived"

She should have been made to pay the fine. Denying that book to the public for 70 years is shocking.

No wonder this country is in trouble if councils waive library fees willy nilly. My council tax is sky high thanks to people like Iris not paying their dues. I strongly disagree with waiving the fee, this has made me quite angry!

Monday 10 August 2009

"March of the state spies: One in 78 adults came under state-sanctioned surveillance last year"

Who said we don't live in a police state, this is worse than the Communist countries I used to go to in the 1970s 80s and 90s as a HGV driver, I have said for a long time now that this government has turned this country almost from a democracy into a Communist country.
They may have had there problems in the Eastern block before the fall on the Berlin wall, but they were never treated like this, and being a regular visitor to these countries all those years ago, I do know what I'm talking about.
Ask the Slovak prime minister, and he will agree with me because he was the one who told them in Brussels that it is worse than being under the Kremlin.
And I reckon he should know what he is talking about.

"Amanda Redman says she is dreading turning 50. Well, it's a bit late for that - as her 1957 birth certificate proves"

She looks much much older anyway because she's so ugly.

Thursday 30 July 2009

"With those genes, it's no wonder she's a beauty: Halle Berry's daughter Nahla turns heads in LA"

Come off it. She doesn't have the stunning looks of her mother at all. You'd pass this kid in the street without looking twice at her.

Thursday 16 July 2009

"Fears for Mischa Barton after she calls police to her home over 'medical issue'"

She's looking horribly emancipated.

Sunday 12 July 2009

"Brilliant young designer who died in tower inferno showed extraordinary courage in face of armed robber stab threat"

RIP of course but if she was such a "special person" why was she living in such a DUMP?.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

"Hell on earth: Four years after 7/7, a never before seen picture of the horror that confronted police on the Tube ripped apart by terrorists"

Doesn't look exactly like hell on earth more a burnt out tube carriage. I've seen much much worse.

"A legacy of flab fighting: Have you inherited your mother's body?"

Sadly there is a lot of truth to this article. I'd never develop a serious exclusive relationship with a woman, matter how slim and attractive,until i'd met (or seen a recent photo of) her mother. You can never be too careful.

Friday 3 July 2009

"Swine flu 'to kill 40 Britons a day by end of summer'"

Anything associated with Nu Labour and the media is suspect. What better to have a pandemic to hide Nu Labour lies.

- norman hall, norwich norfolk, 2/7/2009 13:50

Thursday 2 July 2009

"Why I'm proud to be Mrs Smellie: Is it old-fashioned for a wife to take her husband's name?"

When a woman has a child to her husband, his energy in the child is now in her make up. When the child is born she retains that energy. So they become as one, in that she takes on some of his make up. Everything has an energy even a name. It is beneficial to work with you energy than to go against it. So if you intend to have children, your husbands name will be the right energy name for you, not your pre-child name.

Monday 29 June 2009

"Morris dancers banned from primary school after plan to 'black up' for show"

This just shows how stupid people have become. But the PC brigade once again jumped up and down on their broken down bandwagon. Don't look at the history of why they colour their faces this way. What next stop people wearing black jackets, buying black cars, using the word BLACK.

- Chris, S.W. England, 29/6/2009 14:05

"Pretty in metallic pink: Abbey Clancy wears hot bikini to go for a boat ride with Peter Crouch"

Abbey clearly is not 5'9, there is a least a 15in difference between if Peter is 6' the maths!!! she's more like 5'6.5?!

- Ava, Kildare, Ireland, 29/6/2009 13:36

"'I'm hoping to fade into the background,' says cover girl Emma Watson on life after Harry Potter"

my daughter is the split immage of Emma Watson, and these new photos have upset my daughter she thought is she changed her immage no one would notice the resembelance, now Emmas new photos, amanda is back to being identical. i have enjooyed looking into a future mirror,emma wants to fade out and amanda has been trying to hide since the frist harry potter movie.the resembelance has had a huge inpact on her life not all of it good .

- peta cockerill, rockingham australia, 29/6/2009 13:07

Friday 29 May 2009

“This is not just a cleavage... It's an M&S cleavage: Identity of traffic-stopping billboard bra model revealed”

M&S have sunk very low in my opinion by deliberately targetting and distracting motorists on dangerous stretches of roads. I have always championed the store, and been a loyal customer, but I will never, ever again shop there because their marketing department thinks it is ok to make motorists more likely to crash just to shift a few more bras. Why has the campaign deliberately been targetted at fast-moving drivers? Are M&S hoping for some free publicity when someone is killed? Despicable.

- Mary Williams, London, UK, 29/5/2009 12:35

"Holiday Briton plunges to his death after stepping off cliff while taking photo of wife"

So sad. It would be interesting to see how many people have been killed or injured by "taking a step back to get a better shot" Time for warnings on cameras maybe.

- Chris, Yorkshire, 28/5/2009 13:44